Welcome to WordPress

person in black and white t-shirt using computer

It’s been a long time since my last post, and with good reason (I think).

I have migrated all my blog posts from Ghost to WordPress for a time now, but I haven’t really had the time to fix my new blog landing page and the formatting issues caused by the migration.

I have to learn how to work with the WordPress Theme Editor and find the discipline to properly format all of my previous blog posts.

Now I just completed all of that and so I’m officially opening my WordPress and this is my first post here.

What led me here was the thirst for the power of customization.

Landing Page

I wanted to really overhaul my blog’s homepage so that it could also act as my personal website / bio page. Guess who offers highly customizable pages with the largest theme marketplace?


I find that I’m needing more and more advanced customizations as time goes by and WordPress has built the largest marketplace of 3rd-party plugins resulting to availability of plugins for anything you can think of like integration to newsletter services and even auto-sharing to Bluesky.


There are many more affordable hosting providers for WordPress than for Ghost. I could self-host, but that would add another maintenance task that I wouldn’t want to handle.


All in all, I’m very satisfied with my blog’s new home (this is the 3rd home btw, I was moving from the easiest to setup to the most difficult but most customizable, haha) and I love my new landing page.

I now have another problem: is it still worth it to have a blog despite the new AI search capabilities of Google and ChatGPT?

Only time can tell.

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