My First visionOS App

a pair of virtual glasses on a pink and yellow background

I’ve finally completed my first visionOS app. I basically just ported my existing iOS app into a native visionOS app. The process was relatively simple, in part due to the modularized UI codebase, but primarily because the iOS app was already built with SwiftUI.

It was kind of cute being able to resize the window to look like an iPhone.

I’m also very proud of my icon design. Just curious to see how it would appear on an actual device, as it appears almost flat in the simulator regardless of the angle.

However, I did encounter a challenge submitting it to the App Store. They rejected the app because they cannot use the Login button.

The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users.

Bug description: pinched log in button produced no further action.

Review device details:

– Device type: Apple Vision Pro
– OS version: visionOS 1.1.0

But it’s working fine in the simulator. Here’s the proof!

Login Screen
Login Screen (when Login button is pressed)
Successfully logging in

But I guess I can’t use the “it works on my machine” excuse for the App Store, so do I really need to get a Vision Pro? ๐Ÿ˜œ


March 20, 2024

After some research, I attempted to create another archive and resubmit it to the App Store, thinking I might just have overlooked something initially. Guess what? it got approved, and my first visionOS app is now live on the App Store!!! What a relief, I don’t have to empty my bank account for a Vision Pro yet! ๐Ÿคฃ

Live on the App Store

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