Day 25 of 30 – The Rut

When youโ€™re about to release something, do you find yourself postponing it?

You think itโ€™s not ready yet, not good enough, not going to work, no oneโ€™s going to like it, itโ€™s going to fall below your expectations, and all kinds of negative thoughts

I felt that today

I can relate to Eric Barone’s story of him continually postponing the release of his game Stardew Valley because . . . it’s never enough

I have been very critical about my work, focusing on little details like performance optimizations, code refactoring, and adding haptic feedback, all of which are not more important than making the whole app work.

So sorry everyone. I don’t have any major update today as I had hoped for.

Other alibis incoming . . .

I also ran some errands as I’m preparing to travel to the province again for another family event, this time on my mother’s side, which took my entire evening

But I thought of a new tagline idea for the app from a popular TV series

Y-Verse can be your rut-catcher โ€” It catches you whenever youโ€™re in a rut and helps you get back up to flying like a dragon. IYKYK ๐Ÿคฃ

Would you help me get out of the rut by subscribing to the app waitlist here?

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