Day 13 of 30 – The Stack

I’m still watching the WWDC session videos…

and they haven’t released all the materials yet, but I have already decided on my tech stack:

Language: Swift 6

UI Framework: SwiftUI

Backend: Firebase

AI Infra: Gemini via Vertex AI

I will initially develop natively for iOS, leveraging my strengths to meet the time-constrained challenge. This will also make it easier to port to Apple Vision Pro later.

I believe the Apple platforms have just become much more promising than they ever were because of the recent announcements, so working with native Apple technologies is the way to go. Besides, I’m also convinced that the Apple Vision Pro (not this current model) is the successor to the iPhone’s success (get it? haha)

Afterward, I plan to use Flutter to support Android and other platforms. Since Flutter is a Google tech, I’m hoping it will work just as well as native Android. This will be outside the scope of the challenge though

I will be using Gemini since I plan to submit an entry to the Google AI competition, and I have an upcoming Talk about Gemini later this year

I initially planned to do marketing and building at the same time. But change of plans: marketing a concept just isn’t my strength and style. I’ll have to build a very small prototype of Y-Verse first. This will also let me jack up the price, haha. Then do the marketing grind during my last week of the challenge

For now, I’ll focus on my learning and lay the groundwork for next week

This weekend, I have a family event to attend in the province, requiring a total round-trip travel time of around 16~24 hours (oh I feel tired already just thinking about it, haha). I hope I can still accomplish something during this weekend

Anyway, I’m excited for next week’s hackathon time!

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