Day 12 of 30 – The Life

When life takes over…

After my morning routine, I immediately went to the bus terminal with my sibling to resolve a booking issue. Thank God it went smoothly and was resolved promptly

After that, I went with a friend for an hour-long drive to another friend’s coffee shop. It’s the first anniversary of their cafe, and some of our other friends will also be there for the celebration

I was actually thinking to decline the invitation at first (because of this challenge), but since I also haven’t seen this friend for a very loooooong time now, it might as well be a good opportunity to reunite and catch-up on life

I thought we’ll be able to leave after lunch, but years of missed moments required more hours, so we arrived back home late in the afternoon

From here, I went out for dinner with my family to a place we haven’t been able to visit together

Then after dinner, it’s almost my bedtime. I haven’t posted my update for the daily challenge yet so I have to finish writing it first before I can sleep. Thankfully I was able to push it, and I could push myself to work on the project more from there, but I know better. Late nights are not my strength, I haven’t recovered from my sleep debt yet, and I’m going to wake up late or early but groggy again, so pass

Being sick is the most unproductive thing you can do

This is the problem I want to solve with Y-Verse. Life could often get in the way of us achieving our goals, but it should never be

Also, our goals should not get in the way of us living our lives. It really is a balancing act – an act we’ve been trying to balance with our current tools not built for modern day lifestyle

Overall, no progress for today. But I have learned the personal story of an entrepreneur friend, and added new life moments. I say trading 1 day of the challenge was worth it. I just have to accelerate my progress from here since there’s a lot more events coming in the span of this challenge ๐Ÿ˜…

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