Day 26 of 30 – The Play

I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of days now

The challenge is about to end in a few days and I havenโ€™t yet really started with the marketing efforts other than the App Trailer

I could push myself, activate sleepless nights mode, and stick to the original premise of the challenge to the detriment of my well-being, risking burnout. Or, I could bend the challenge a bit, extend the timeline, and enjoy the process. Iโ€™m the game master of this challenge so why not?

I choose the latter, I choose happiness

There were a lot of unknowns starting this challenge. I have only started coding less than 2 weeks ago. Although not at the pace I would be proud of, the progress is there

I love what Iโ€™m building thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m deliberately taking the time I need to build the pieces bit by bit. If I really have to rush, then I would have dropped the daily writing of updates, artworks, videos, posting, and engaging with feedback, but I believe this is not the way.

Nothing great is built in a rush

With that said, my goal now for this 30-day challenge is to end it with an MVP (Toy Version). The same as my buildspace wk2 assignment

After this challenge, Iโ€™ll move my updates to the Y-Verse waitlist. If you havenโ€™t joined yet, join now.

And before you go, hereโ€™s a sneak peek of the navigation in action

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